Four sports-book authors will be speaking at a free Gelf event in New York on Thursday, July 5, at 8 p.m. Come by the Happy Ending Lounge to hear writers Jim Gorant, John Heidenry, Lee Lowenfish, and Eric Mirlis read from and discuss their writing. Plus, WFAN's Rich Ackerman will share one of his favorite sports memories.
Gelf is featuring interviews with the writers. Click on authors' names for the interview:
Jim Gorant, author of Fanatic: Ten Things All Sports Fans Should Do Before They Die
John Heidenry, author of The Gashouse Gang: How Dizzy Dean, Leo Durocher, Branch Rickey, Pepper Martin, and Their Colorful, Come-from-Behind Ball Club Won the World Seriesand America's HeartDuring the Great Depression
Lee Lowenfish, author of Branch Rickey: Baseball's Ferocious Gentleman
Eric Mirlis, author of Being There: 100 Sports Pros Talk About the Best Sporting Events They Ever Witnessed Firsthand
Event Details:
Happy Ending Lounge (official site, CitySearch, MySpace)
302 Broome St.
(between Forsyth and Eldridge)
J/M/Z/F to Delancey
B/D to Grand Street
Look for the hot-pink awning with the words "Health Club" on it.
Doors open at 7:30.
Readings start at 8 sharp.
Copies of the books will be available for sale, courtesy Mobile Libris.
Questions? Suggestions for future readings? Email
Varsity Letters is on MySpace.
Upcoming events
August 1: Sally Jenkins, author of The Real All Americans: The Team That Changed a Game, a People, a Nation; Seth Mnookin, author of Feeding the Monster: How Money, Smarts, and Nerve Took a Team to the Top
; and Joe Posnanski, author of The Soul of Baseball: A Road Trip Through Buck O'Neil's America
September 5: Frank Deford, author of The Entitled; Scott Price, author of Far Afield: A Sportswriting Odyssey
; and Neal Thompson, author of Hurricane Season: A Coach, His Team, and Their Triumph in the Time of Katrina
and Driving with the Devil: Southern Moonshine, Detroit Wheels, and the Birth of NASCAR
October 3: John Bacon, author of Bo's Lasting Lessons: The Legendary Coach Teaches the Timeless Fundamentals of Leadership; Michael O'Keeffe and Teri Thompson, authors of The Card: Collectors, Con Men, and the True Story of History's Most Desired Baseball Card
; and Jon Wertheim, author of Running the Table: The Legend of Kid Delicious, the Last Great American Pool Hustler
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