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Varsity Letters

June 27, 2009

July 2: Gelf's Varsity Letters

Gelf's Varsity Letters sports reading series returns on Thursday, July 2, at 7:30 p.m., with a night dedicated to baseball. At this free monthly event in DUMBO, Brooklyn, hosted by Gelf and Jan Larsen Art, Scott Price, Selena Roberts, and members of the New York Daily News sports investigative team will read from and talk about their work, and take questions. Price has the wrenching tale of the life and death of a minor-leaguer. Roberts will speak about her controversial biography of Alex Rodriguez. And the Daily News team will discuss its exposé of Roger Clemens and steroids in baseball.

Varsity Letters logo

Graphic by Mister Lister.

Admission is FREE. Please spread the word to sports fans and book lovers.

Event Details:

JLA Studios (Official site, map)
63 Pearl St (between Water St. and Front St.)
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Next to the F train. Close to the A,C. Accessible by the 2,3.

Doors open at 7:00.
Event starts at 7:30.

Visit reBar, around the corner, afterward; attendees of Varsity Letters and other Gelf events get discounts on food and drink.

More on this month's authors:

Michael O'Keeffe, Teri Thompson, and Nathaniel Vinton from the New York Daily News sports investigative team, authors of American Icon: The Fall of Roger Clemens and the Rise of Steroids in America's Pastime and twice previously Varsity Letters guests.
Read Gelf's interview with O'Keeffe

Scott Price, author of Heart of the Game: Life, Death, and Mercy in Minor League America and twice a Varsity Letters guest.
Read Gelf's interview with Price

Selena Roberts, author of A-Rod: The Many Lives of Alex Rodriguez. (Listen to interviews with Roberts at Deadspin and Mad Stork Sports.)
Read Gelf's interview with Roberts

Upcoming Varsity Letters

August 6

•ESPN's Wright Thompson, a previous Varsity Letters guest.
Grant Wahl, author of The Beckham Experiment: How the World's Most Famous Athlete Tried to Conquer America
Bruce Weber, author of As They See 'Em: A Fan's Travels in the Land of Umpires

September 3: NFL Night

Stefan Fatsis, author of A Few Seconds of Panic: A 5-Foot-8, 170-Pound, 43-Year-Old Sportswriter Plays in the NFLThe Final Four of Everything (and twice a Varsity Letters guest)
Matt Shepatin, author of Then Madden Said to Summerall: The Best NFL Stories Ever Told
••Michael Tunison, a/k/a Christmas Ape at the NFL blog Kissing Suzy Kolber, author of The Football Fan's Manifesto and a previous Varsity Letters guest.

October 1

Jennifer Ring, author of Stolen Bases: Why American Girls Don't Play Baseball
•Other authors TBA

November 5

Authors TBA

December 3

David Maraniss, author of Rome 1960: The Olympics That Changed the World, Clemente: The Passion and Grace of Baseball's Last Hero, and When Pride Still Mattered : A Life Of Vince Lombardi
•Other authors TBA

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