
March 24, 2009

Fuck Everything, We're Doing Comedy

Joe Garden, features editor of The Onion, sees many razorblades in America's future.

Max Lakin

For three and a half years*, Joe Garden has helmed the features-editor chair at The Onion, perhaps now America's most successful newspaper model. In that time, Garden has given life to the faux-paper’s classics, such as opinion-page characters Jim Anchower and Jackie Harvey, and augured the coming of this nation's important cultural advances (which include The Hulk sequel, the five-blade disposable razor, and a raft of other indispensable bric-a-brac). Not bad for an undeclared state-school dropout with no prior comedy experience.

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- Comedy
- posted on Mar 25, 09
Joe Garden

I apologize for the brevity of these answers. Come to the Non-Motivational Speakers series Thursday and I will give better answers. Or at least longer ones.

- Comedy
- posted on Mar 25, 09
Joe Garden

Oh, and also, my other favorite achievement is Patrick Duffy Week, which wrapped up last Friday.

- Comedy
- posted on Apr 15, 09

This would have been a lot funnier and more enjoyable without the retarded Bush-bash at the end. ". . . now that competence has been re-leagalized?"

You wanna go to the mat with that one, eh? "Competence" means serially nominating folks who can't figure out not paying your taxes, a State department that can't even figure out what DVDs to buy when you snub a foreign head of state, etc., etc.? This was a dumb insertion of politics in what should have been an article focused on one of the brains behind the greatest mock news agency in the known universe.

Screw you, jerkface. You're an interviewer--focus on the subject and keep your personal compulsions out of it.

That said, Joe's answer was very mature. I like him more and Max much less.

- Comedy
- posted on Apr 19, 09
Jim Anchower

holla mi amigos. what's shaking. getting at you because joe has been kind enugh to have documented my life over the decades and i am forever indebted.

but he was not features editor for 16 years. more like 6-5 years at most, yo. before that just a guy who worked at the liquor store (go badgers!) and who handed in idea lists sporadically. he never had a full time position until he had distro route in chicago and was fired for not showing up. he was brought back on staff when some kind staffers pushed for him to be rehired as a writer. nd only then as a writer. fun-fact: rob siegel the righteous writer of that film "the wrestler" was 100% against rehiring joe for any reason because his idea lists and writing were getting weaker and weaker.

a then given he was the position of "features editor" back in 2003/2004 or so. so there you go. about the same time rob siegel left after getting sick of the personality stew of that onion soup.

never forget, folks! keep the fake history to the newsprint.

- Comedy
- posted on Apr 20, 09

Someone. is. a. Republican. yeesh.

- Comedy
- posted on Apr 20, 09
Joe Garden

Re. Jim Anchower:

True. I've been the editor for 3 1/2 years, a full time writer for eight, and a contributing writer for 16 years. Also true, I used to work at a liquor store. Further true, I was a distribution manager in Chicago, and I was rightfully fired by Peter Haise for not showing up. It was idiocy at its worst.

I can't speak to the rest, but it could well be true. Could be conjecture as well. I wasn't privy to these discussions, so I can't definitively say.

I apologize to the readers and to Max if I gave the impression that I had been in the position of Features Editor since the beginning.


- Comedy
- posted on Apr 20, 09
Joe Garden

Whoops. Should read "I've been the FEATURES editor for 3 1/2 years."

Article by Max Lakin

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