Frank Messina finds inspiration in the tragicomic existence of his fellow die-hard New York Mets fans. We Mets fans, "strugglers, outsiders, dreamers" in The Mets Poet's words, not only have to live with the ignominy of being a New York back-page sideshow, but have recently contended with two epic September collapses, the latest of which ended in a world championship for the hated Phillies. This after "Marvelous" Marv, the Miracle of '69, the triumphs and disappointments of Doc and Darryl, The Worst Team Money Could Buy, and losing a World Series to the Yankees. The up-and-down history of New York's second team sometimes feels, to a fan, like it mirrors real life, a sentiment Messina captures in his poetry, much of it collected in Full Count: The Book of Mets Poetry.
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