The authors of the three books featured on our front page will be speaking spoke at a free Gelf event in New York on Wednesday, February 7. Come Thanks for coming by the Happy Ending Lounge to hear writers Jack Cavanaugh, S.L. Price, and Katie Hnida read from and discuss their works.
Gelf is featuring interviews with all three:
Jack Cavanaugh, author of Tunney, talks Gene Tunney, the brainy boxing champ whose intellect served him well both in and out of the boxing ring.
Katie Hnida recounts some of the highs and lows of her experience as the first female player in major college football.
S.L. Price, author of Pitching Around Fidel, discusses his Sports Illustrated profile of Dwyane Wade, baseball in Cuba, and the Duke lacrosse case.
Upcoming events
March 7: Online Writers, Offline: Bloggers Henry Abbott (True Hoop); Jon Bois, Nick Dallamora, and Brandon Stroud (The Dugout); Jason Fry & Greg Prince (Faith and Fear in Flushing); Will Leitch (Deadspin); Dan Shanoff; and Matt Ufford (With Leather).
April 4: Mike Freeman, author of Jim Brown: The Fierce Life of an American Hero, and John Heidenry, author of The Gashouse Gang: How Dizzy Dean, Leo Durocher, Branch Rickey, Pepper Martin, and Their Colorful, Come-from-Behind Ball Club Won the World Seriesand America's HeartDuring the Great Depression
Related on the web
A detailed, opinionated recap of February's Varsity Letters event on SchmidtHaus. (For the record, Dan Shanoff founded VL, and he inherited the time slot at the "dark club" from another reading series.)
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