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July 16, 2005

The Victims of 7-16

On Saturday, a suicide bomber blew up a fuel truck in Musayyib, Iraq, killing at least 58 people, three more than were killed in the London bombing of a week and a half ago. Both sets of bombings made the front page of the New York Times website (see screenshot), but only those who died in London have been mentioned individually.

Granted, the Iraq bombings just took place, so it is indeed possible that the Times will decide to give each victim the treatment that those who died in London blasts have received, complete with recollections from their friends and discussions about how they usually take another way to work. More likely, though, the Iraqi victims will remain just another set of numbers to add to the thousands of Iraqis who have died since the war started.

Why does the Times think it is more interesting when Englishmen are killed by terrorists than when Iraqis are? The Times printed touching obituaries of everyone who died as a result of the terrorist attacks of 9-11, and perhaps it is only fitting to so for those who died on 7-7. But what about the victims of 7-16?

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