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July 13, 2005

Insult to Injury

The New York Times's preoccupation with rich people was excellently dissected by Chris Lehmann in the Boston Phoenix a few weeks ago. Lehmann pointed out how the Times features on weddings, travel, and real estate—like this one:
Greetings From SoFi, N.Y.C.—New York Times mess with its ability to write honestly about class in America. But he missed out on how the money preoccupation sends the Times entirely off the deep end, rationality-wise.

Lehmann memorably summed it up:

Getting the New York Times to explain the real operation of social class in America is, at the end of the day, a lot like granting your parents exclusive license to explain sex to you: there are simply far too many conflicts that run far too deep to result in any reliable account of how the thing works.

Well-said, but it seems these parents also don't quite understand biology. In some of the new, swank SoFi (midtown to you and me) apartments, one can find, according to the Grey Lady:

Bathtubs feature "chromotherapy," which transmits beams of light believed to have restorative benefits (green for stress, red for circulation) into the water.

The only reasonable response to this is to let the Times in on a secret real-estate deal I've been working on for the last few months. There is a bridge to Brooklyn that I'm willing to sell at a very reasonable price.

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