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April 25, 2007

The Puns Slip Out

Biofilm, a company that makes the sexual lubricant Astroglide, recently leaked the names and addresses of 263,822 of its customers onto the web. A customer googled himself and was surprised to find a result that showed his personal information and his past Astroglide purchases. He reported the issue to Biofilm and now many more embarrassed customers want this information off the web. The company is rapidly trying to remove it from the Google search engine by going through correction procedures required by Google, with 500 files handled already. As news of the leak spreads across the Internet, bloggers, writers, and readers are having fun with risqué puns.

The most thorough article on the subject is on the Wired blog. The headline: "Sex Lube Maker's 250K Customer List Slides Onto Net." The story also describes the disclosed names and addresses as "naked on the web."

Here are a few more:

Astroglide Slips Up!
Astroglide lubes up over 260,000 people, then gives them the screw.
The Fine Art of Eccentricity

Astroglide tries to plug 260,000 customer data leak
Homeland Stupidity

Sex Lube Maker Finds Personal Info Quite Slippery
Techdirt (from the can't-get-a-grip dept)

Readers had puns of their own in response to the story:
Josh: Of course they couldn't keep a hold of it...it just slipped out of their hands.
Jason: Wow how did that slip though the cracks?
Gamenac: I guess you could say that their grasp on the situation is slip, sliding away!

Of course, there's also always at least one ascetic who denies himself the pleasure of punning:
ASTROGLIDE LEAKS CUSTOMER INFORMATION: A variety of semi-clever puns and jokes occur to me, but I'll leave them as an exercise for the reader.

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