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Media Circus

April 5, 2010

Media Circus, April 22: Real or Onion -- POSTPONED

This event has been rescheduled for later date. Media Circus will return in June with a night devoted to food critics.

Media Circus returns for Real or Onion night. Leading satirists will discuss the increasingly blurry distinction between news and comedy, and the audience will participate in the first-ever live action version of Gelf's addictive Real or Onion game.

There will be artwork on display, as well.

The event will be held Thursday, April 22, at 7:30 pm (doors open at 7:00 pm) at the JLA Studios art gallery on 63 Pearl St. in the DUMBO neighborhood of Brooklyn—just one subway stop away from Manhattan! Admission is FREE. Drinks will be available. Please spread the word and bring your friends.

Media Circus Logo
For those who prefer spacing with their details:

JLA Studios (Google Maps, Outside.In, JLA site)
63 Pearl St (between Water St. and Front St.)
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Next to the F train. Close to the A,C. Accessible by the 2,3.

Doors open at 7:00.
Event starts at 7:30.

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