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February 6, 2006

Cursing Stones

When news breaks that contains profanity, it's always interesting to see how different media outlets cover it. (For example, Gelf compared how different news organizations dealt with Robert Novak's famous tirade on CNN's Inside Politics.) During the halftime show of the Super Bowl, the Rolling Stones omitted some lyrics from their song set because ABC decided that the words were too risqué. Here's how some popular news sites covered it:

AP via CNN
In "Start Me Up," ABC's editors silenced one word, a reference to a woman's sexual sway over a dead man. (The song hit No. 2 in 1981, lyric included.) The lyrics for "Rough Justice" included a synonym for rooster that the network also deemed worth cutting out.

Chicago Tribune
During the coda of "Start Me Up," the vocals suddenly went silent as Jagger sang what "you make a dead man" do, and a wink-wink pun involving a rooster-chicken metaphor was omitted near the start of "Rough Justice."

The Age (Australia)
There were no wardrobe malfunctions but the conservative NFL, or the ABC network, censored their first two songs. Using a five-second delay, they deleted a reference to a certain sexual act involving a dead man in Start Me Up.
In Rough Justice the viewers never heard a reference to male chickens in the line: "Once upon a time I was your little rooster, But am I just one of your…

[While the article simply stated, "Start Me Up and Rough Justice were subject to censorship, while (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction was left intact," it did included these censored lyrics in side boxes.]

You, you, you make a grown man cry You, you make a dead man c***

One time you were my baby chicken
Now you've grown into a fox
And once upon a time I was your little rooster
Am I just one of your c****?

Chicago Sun-Times
The group's biggest cop-out was something that only a hardcore Stones fan noticed, but it was undeniable: Jagger emphatically went mute and cut off the last word of the one mildly licentious line in "Start Me Up." (You know, the one about the dead man.)

New York Times

The two unheard words—from "Start Me Up" and from a song on the latest Stones album, "Rough Justice"—were sexual references. But then again, so was most of the Stones' miniset, from the stage shaped like the band's lascivious lips-and- tongue logo to Mick Jagger's hip-swiveling, elbow-pumping, gleefully leering presence.


In case you somehow missed it, the censored Stones lyrics are "come" (or "cum") and "cocks." Not exactly shits and fucks, but no major news source was willing to print them. More importantly, the different media outlets couldn't seem to agree about whether the Stones were a party to the censorship beforehand or not. It seems they were.

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