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February 2, 2006

Dog Food Snafu

In this week's edition of Zooming In, Gelf's quasi-weekly roundup of undercovered local stories from around the world: A banned student magazine; an empty airline; and camel wrestling. One of our favorite stories this week concerns a controversial food donation to Kenya.

The founder of New Zealand's Mighty Mix dog food company is shipping 42 tons of preprocessed food mix to be distributed to children of Rusinga Island. Many Kenyan officials are offended by Christine Drummond's charity, saying that the offer of a mixture based on dog food is undignified and disrespectful (The Nation). Mighty Mix office manager Natasha Mason tells Gelf over email that the outrage about the donation is based on confusion. "The media have told a lot of untruths, and we have wiped our hands of them, but are still determined to go through with it," she writes. "The food we have dispatched to Kenya consists of 2 main ingredients which are differently processed and have never been used in our dog food." In an attempt to alleviate concerns about the product, Drummond went on television to eat some of it herself. (You can see the video at TVNZ.)

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