
April 2, 2008

The Simon Templar of Sports

Stefan Fatsis makes sportswriting personal, with a dive into the world of competitive Scrabble, an ode to his beloved baseball glove, and a foray into professional football kicking.

Michael Gluckstadt

Every sportswriter dreams (often in secret) of what life would be like on the other side of the press box. But it is very rare that a writer gets to live out that dream and become an athlete, and nearly unheard of to do it in multiple sports. George Plimpton did it back in the 1960s. And now Stefan Fatsis is doing it.

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- Sports
- posted on Feb 22, 10
Judith Britten

Dear SF,

I run the Qatar Scrabble League which is mainly composed of youth players. We are new but highly competitive. 7 players went to the World Youth Scrabble Championship last December.

I am looking for some kind of support to drum up more awareness about the game here in Qatar. Would you welcome the idea of becoming a QSL partner/mentor to the youth players in addition to the possibility of writing something about us?

Would love to hear from you. Could we have a copy of Wordfreak?

Judith Britten

- Sports
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Article by Michael Gluckstadt

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