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Media Circus

November 7, 2011

November 7th: Media Circus on 'God-blogging'

Kanye West once (almost) said, "They say you can blog about anything except for Jesus." He may have been talking about mainstream radio, but can the same be said about the online media conversation? Politics, sex, abortion, and all the usual third rails of polite conversation aren't just discussed, they're catalysts for some of the fiercest and most active debates across the blogosphere. But what about religious issues? Are they part of the online discussion? Or are they ghettoized into religion-centric "god-blogs" and their atheist equivalents?

Media Circus returns on November 7th with three diverse speakers—Alana Newhouse, editor-in-chief of Tablet Magazine (read an interview here); noted philosopher Massimo Pigliucci, a professor at the City University of New York and editor of the secular humanist blog Rationally Speaking (read an interview here); and Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, Senior Religion Editor at the Huffington Post—will address these issues and others pertaining to religion's place in online media in a discussion moderated by New York Times religion correspondent Laurie Goodstein at Le Poisson Rouge in Manhattan.

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Event Details:

Le Poisson Rouge (Official site, map)
158 Bleecker St. (between Sullivan St. and Thompson St.)
New York, NY 10012
Blocks from A/C/E/B/D/F/M/N/R/1/6 trains

Doors open at 6:30.
Event starts at 7:00.
There is no admission charge.
Attendees must be 21 or older, as per Le Poisson Rouge rules. (Email varsityletters@gmail.com if you are under 21 and would like to attend. The farther in advance, the better; no guarantees.)

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