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May 4, 2005

Leave John Rocker Alone

Let's see, CNN puts this article about John Rocker, former Atlanta Braves ace closer/bigoted idiot, on it's front page today. Why? Perhaps because Rocker once made SI (whose parent company is Time Warner) a lot of money by telling one of their reporters in an interview that a black teammate was a "fat monkey" and that New York's subway riders included "some queer with AIDS."

It's terribly ironic, of course, that in Rocker's struggle to regain his major-league form, he's been sent to the minor league Long Island Ducks franchise. So the media has been covering it with great interest, hoping that Rocker will blurt out something else stupid. So, today, when some guy started taunting him after a bad outing, Rocker went off. Or at least that's what the guy says. From the article, it sounds like Dave Macken, the fan who it seems contacted the press after the incident, is an asshole who deserves to be yelled at. Here's what the article says:

As Rocker left the field, Dave Macken of Atlantic City, a Surf fan sitting near the visitors dugout, yelled, "It's a long way from Atlanta."

According to Macken, Rocker replied, "I'm still a millionaire and you're a piece of [expletive]." Macken told The Press of Atlantic City that the two then exchanged vulgarities.

Rocker recalled the exchange differently. "Call me what you want, but don't start cussing at me like that," Rocker said. "That's just wrong."

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