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July 17, 2008

Jesse's Other N-Word

By now, pretty much the entire country knows what Jesse Jackson would like to do to Barack Obama's nuts. But the Associated Press reported reports that Jackson used a far more provocative n-word in that same off-air conversation. (Of course, it did not print the actual word "nigger."). Maybe it's time to rename that South Park episode something other than "With apologies to Jesse Jackson."

With Apologies
Maybe not—Jackson was not quoted in the piece, and a spokeswoman couldn't confirm whether he'd uttered the word. It would be somewhat ironic, given Jackson's well-known opposition to the word, if he dropped n-bombs like the Wu-Tang Clan in everyday conversation.

Well before the AP article came out, it was rumored that Jackson had used the word "nigger" to refer to Obama. As it turns out, he was probably just referring to the black community at large (and maybe even Obama's thoughts on said community). We're not too torn up by hypocrisy in off-the-record conversations, but perhaps Jackson should realize that when he's got a live mike on—as he does most of the time—he should watch his mouth.

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