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July 26, 2005

I Know It When I See It

That's how Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart once defined obscenity. According to an article in the Miami Herald, that's also how the Florida police force decides whether an accused sex offender has violated the clause of his probation that prohibits the possession of "sexually stimulating" material. For Andrew Calderon, that meant a trip to jail for owning a few copies of Maxim.

Sadly, Maxim editor-in-chief Ed Needham is uninterested in discussing how "sexually stimulating" his magazine is with Gelf, at least according to his assistant, the aptly-named Amelia Parry. But there is still no doubt that the magazine features significantly less toplessness than Playboy or National Geographic. (Remarkably for the latter, the nudity in this month's issue comes from white Americans.)

"When Potter Stewart says, 'I know it when I see it,' I have a little more faith than when a probation officer says, 'I know it when I see it,'" Broward County Public Defender Howard Finkelstein told the Herald. (Incidentally, the article was written by Scott Hiaasen, whose brother Carl has written wrote books with titles including Skin Tight, Sick Puppy, Strip Tease, and Skinny Dip.)

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