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Now That's Taking The Second Amendment A Bit Far »


September 2, 2005

Gelf SadLibs™

Let's say you have just shown up in a disaster zone. Maybe you're a TV reporter, or perhaps a conscripted national guardsman. Certainly, the area is a wasteland, but are you in Iraq or New Orleans? There's only one sure way to find out. Use Gelf SadLibs™ to figure out where you are, and who's responsible for the situation. If you find yourself always picking the first option, you're probably in the bayou. If you're generally choosing the second, that means you're most likely in that other gulf.

The current tragic state is the result of a tremendous (natural/political) disaster. Everyday, things are getting worse. Authorities knew that a (hurricane/war) was coming, but failed to prepare for its aftermath. After the collapse of (Lake Pontchartrain/Saddam Hussein), the area became a mess, and armed gangs of (looters/insurgents) took over many areas. As a result, (national guardsmen/soldiers) have been diverted from their jobs of helping to restore basic services to providing security and restoring order. Too bad not enough (national guardsmen/soldiers) were ready to be deployed in the first place. And too bad that many of the (looters/insurgents) are simply poor people who have run out of options and don't feel that they are receiving any help from the U.S. government.

Thousands of (Americans/Iraqis and Americans) have died as a result of the failure to prepare for the disaster's aftermath. There is a breakdown of common decency. The damage will also cost Americans several (billion/billion) dollars, as this area is a major (port/source) for oil. Even now, the federal government doesn't seem to have any sort of (plan/exit strategy). What the (Hell/fuck) is (W./W.) thinking?

Have suggestions for other sentences for our SadLib? Post a comment. If we like 'em, we'll add 'em.

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- Politics
- posted on Sep 02, 05

An addition for the SadLib:

Congress has announced the creation of bipartisan investigation to determine what exactly went wrong with the government's response to the (hurricane/insurgency).

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