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May 17, 2006

The Gamine Audrey Tautou

Movie critic A.O. Scott staggered through a screening of The Da Vinci Code, and walked away unimpressed. While his review only mentions in passing the Hanks Mullet, Scott laments the underutilization of the film's other star, Audrey Tautou. "Ms. Tautou, determined to ensure that her name will never again come up in an Internet search for the word 'gamine,' affects a look of worried fatigue," he writes.

"Gamine," as I'm sure you know, means, roughly, "a homeless girl who roams the streets," though movie critic Scott is probably referring to the word's secondary definition, "a girl of impish appeal." Tautou first was dubbed a "gamine" after her star turn in Amélie, when publications including the BBC, USA Today, Entertainment Weekly, and Playboy all came to the conclusion that she deserved the description. And now that both Scott's review and this post have mentioned them, "gamine" and "Audrey Tatou" will remain linked by Internet searches for a long time to come.

Tautou's destiny was probably already sealed when McSweeney's published a piece entitled "Ten reasons why you, Audrey Tautou, gamine French star of Amélie, should date me, Teddy Wayne."

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