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November 22, 2006

Chimps Dig Mrs. Robinson

A recent paper in Current Biology shows that, contrary to humans, male chimpanzees seem to prefer older females as sexual partners. While the scientists behind the study propose that this difference is a result of both humans' tendency to form unusually long-term mating bonds and the lack of menopause in chimpanzee females, much of the media coverage of the study has been light on theory and heavy on innuendo.

Gelf's favorite articles on the study invoke some of our favorite MILFs (and GILFs) from popular culture:

Canada's National Post
By studying the mating habits of our closest living evolutionary cousin, anthropologists from Harvard and Boston University discovered that there seems to be no such thing as a chimpanzee Lolita. Male chimps of all ages, at least those of the Kibale reserve in Uganda, seem to prefer something closer to Stifler's mom, the wizened sexpot in the teen movie American Pie.

Science Now
In the 1971 cult film Harold and Maude, a young man finds romance with a septuagenarian. Real life is usually different: Cross-cultural research suggests that men generally prefer to hook up with younger women. The same does not appear to hold true for chimpanzees.

USA Today
In chimp society, The Golden Girls, not Baywatch, would be hot stuff.

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