
July 30, 2009

Taking on the World, One Lifecast at a Time

Savvy businesswoman or shameless attention-hound? We report, you decide on the trials and tribulations of Julia Allison.

Max Lakin

To know Julia Allison is to look into the heart of modern media itself. That glittering, put-your-brand-on-everything-you-can-get-your-hands-on ethos—augured by that Time Person of the Year cover with the faux-reflective computer screen (It's You! Get it?)—is a good paradigm for understanding Allison, but there's more. A lot more.

A former editor-at-large at celebrity rag Star and sex and relationships columnist at amNY and Time Out, Allison has since given her undivided attention to the internet; that it took eight-odd weeks after her appearance at Gelf's Non-Motivational Speaker Series for Allison to rap with us is a testament to just how freaking busy the girl is. So we hope.

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- Media
- posted on Aug 06, 09


- Media
- posted on Aug 06, 09
Judge Judy

How was this interview conducted? In e-mail?

- Media
- posted on Aug 06, 09
Sake Bombadier

"First off, congratulations on being picked up by New York Nonstop. It seems like Nonstop fun." Is this a joke? Did she submit these questions herself in advance? For sure they were vetted in advance, at the very least.

Lakin, you prove she is indeed career kryptonite; you come off here as being as big of a hack as she is. Basically, you just effed your gelf.

- Media
- posted on Aug 06, 09

Julia was never a sex columnist at Time Out New York; she was the dating columnist. Big difference. The magazine already has a much more interesting and compelling sex columnist, Jamie Bufalino. FYI.

- Media
- posted on Aug 06, 09

"As all memoirists or first person journalists will tell you..."
Julia Allison is actually referring to her self as a memoirist? That's rich.
A vanity blog does not equal a memoir my dear.

- Media
- posted on Aug 06, 09
Judge Judy

If this interview was conducted via e-mail, and you just sent her questions that she spent time working on, you should divulge it. It is dishonest not to, and violates a trust with your readers. I'd be interested in knowing how she managed to link to her previous blog posts in a verbal conversation.

This is shameful and you should know better. If it was an e-mailed interview, say so, because that allows her to promote herself without being challenged by her interviewer. It's not journalism, it's PR.

- Media
- posted on Aug 07, 09

Julia Allison is 28, not 27, years-old.

Her Bravo pilots were never picked up because numerous focus groups found her personality and on screen presence to be absolutely atrocious.

Julia is not a journalist and hasn't written for a major publication in a while now. She was fired from Timeout NY and was never a sex columnist there, she was a dating columnist and a very banal one at that.

That said, her participation in the non-motivational speakers series was one of her more redeeming ventures.

- Media
- posted on Aug 07, 09

Julia Allison is an idiot, and now by association, so are you.

- Media
- posted on Aug 07, 09

Julia is not an artist. Or a writer. Or a journalist. She's a banal vanity blogger with an inflated sense of self importance.

Julia, if your "performance art" is to be a universally reviled joke, then congratulations, you have succeeded. But from the tone of this article, I don't think you're quite in on the joke.

- Media
- posted on Aug 07, 09

Why did you choose to use a photo that old? Julia's looks have changed considerably since then.

- Media
- posted on Aug 07, 09
Just... Delusional

Julia uses the word delusional enough times in that article to make me think... she's truly delusional. It's kind of sad and pathetic that her career goal is to be on a reality TV show. But I guess she can no longer call herself a journalist since she hasn't been published in anything in months and has sold out what little ethics she had for some blog for dollars deals. She is no longer a journalist or a writer - just a cheap shill that can be bought for a free pair of jeans. She can hardly call herself a writer. I do not consider one sentence photo captions on a blog to be writing. I call it a facebook photo album.

- Media
- posted on Aug 07, 09
Nouveau Riche Retard

Julia loves architecture? Really? I have never once seen her comment on architecture besides repeatedly bragging to her blog readers that her parents (her parents - not her) own a downtown Chicago condo. Please Chicago - take this tacky hick back. New York doesn't want her.

- Media
- posted on Aug 07, 09
Gelf Magazine

This interview was conducted via e-mail. We apologize for neglecting to mention that as we normally do.

Additionally, Allison is identified as a "sex and relationship columnist" early on. That said, in 2009 and in Time Out magazine, 'sex' and 'dating' are merely semantics.

Thanks for your comments!

- Media
- posted on Aug 07, 09

Oh holey moley. NOT Julia Allison again. What a vanity "interview." Give me a break. Maybe she could come to work in your editorial department and stay off the Internet. It'd raise the IQ of both places.

- Media
- posted on Aug 07, 09
Littlest MerMan

Um. Does this look like someone who's "inner Pollyanna" is dead? Or someone who, as Aunt Ethel used to say, "is tetched?"

Julia in performance

- Media
- posted on Aug 07, 09
Who the fuck talks like this?

"I think [journalists] have a very bright future when they paradigm-shift and start to embrace the radical possibilities instead of mourning the anachronistic constraints."

She tweeted that, sent it to Playboy & is rehashing it here. Obviously it's her proudest "Smart Girl Quote" that she's spent months crafting over a pile of Business 2.0 books & a dogeared thesaurus.

Before she was just a tool. Now she's a pretentious one.

- Media
- posted on Aug 07, 09

Please correct her age. This is basic stuff guys.

- Media
- posted on Aug 07, 09
Gelf Magazine

Her age has been clarified; see the note above.

- Media
- posted on Aug 07, 09

Wow, media STILL falls for this phony?

Julia lies through her teeth constantly

- Media
- posted on Aug 07, 09
Sake Bombadier

"This interview was conducted via e-mail. We apologize for neglecting to mention that as we normally do."

...and she approved the questions in advance? Please, don't pretend your readers are idiots like yourgelves.

- Media
- posted on Aug 07, 09

This article only serves to enable Julia Allison, who is a sociopath and a narcissist. She is indicative of exactly nothing in the big picture, including media, business, tech, and especially art. She is just a sad little girl desperate for validation.

- Media
- posted on Aug 08, 09

Worst article ever. Gelf you really jumped the shark as they say. I deleted my bookmark to you guys. You idiots fell for this, unbelievable!

- Media
- posted on Aug 08, 09

"Additionally, Allison is identified as a "sex and relationship columnist" early on. That said, in 2009 and in Time Out magazine, 'sex' and 'dating' are merely semantics."

This isn't true. There's already a sex columnist at TONY, who pens the Get Naked column and has done so for many years. Julia was brought on as a dating columnist. That's not semantics; it's fact. Two different topics, two different columns, two different writers.

Article by Max Lakin

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