
March 31, 2009

Riding the Death Spiral

Gawker's media reporter is on the frontlines of the industry's decline. It isn't pretty there.

Megan Stride

Hamilton Nolan hadn't even been blogging for Gawker a full year before upsetting someone enough to hire a private investigator to visit Nolan's parents' house in Florida. It was off-putting, sure, but he's not quitting yet. "That was all the result of stuff that I wrote about on Gawker, and at this point there might be more to come on that," he says. We'll stay tuned.

The 29-year-old native Floridian is a media man in the industry's capital city. After spending a few years covering media public relations at PR Week, Nolan moved over to Gawker, where he's been exposing New York City's slimiest flacks and covering the death of the newspaper as media reporter.

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- Media
- posted on Apr 06, 11

Yaaawn, another 2-bit kid reporter who was bright enough to realize he needs to shock in order to compensate for his intelligence short-fall, but not bright enough to know it's a transparent ploy with a sell-by date. Yaaaaaaaawn!!!

- Media
- posted on Oct 19, 11

I have read several of Nolan's articles on Gawker.....he almost pulls off sounding intelligent, at least until he hits the second paragraph...
He would have been better suited writing for the Weekly World News....

- Media
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Article by Megan Stride

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