
August 31, 2007

Finding Johnny Salami

Gelf finally gets its man. Here's how the dried sausage got made.

Michael Gluckstadt

In early July, Gelf published an article detailing the search for Johnny Salami, the name given by a man-in-a-strip-club interview in a Reuters article about the Sopranos series finale. That piece, written by Reuters New York bureau chief Mark Egan, documented the experience of watching the final episode of the Sopranos at Satin Dolls, the real location of the show's fictional Bada Bing club. Salami, who was quoted saying that writer David Chase "left us hanging" and "should have put some bite" in the ending, attracted tons of attention on the internet for his unlikely name, so Gelf set out to track him down and see what made him tick. At the time, we were unable to find Salami, so we reported on our extensive search and came to the conclusion that Salami is "New Jersey's own Loch Ness monster." Unlike the Scots' mystery beast, though, our Salami has now finally revealed himself.

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- Media
- posted on Sep 01, 07
Joey Baloney

His wonderfully appropriate response: "You bet your ass it is. What the fuck took you so long?"


- Media
- posted on Sep 04, 07

what's the point of this rambling, disjointed piece? Did Reuters have the story correct, mostly correct, or what? Did you discover that there is no driver's license for Salami? Couldn't tell definitively from your story. You have to learn to write more tightly.Not everyone has the time to makes sense of it. Aand why the apology to Rreuters? Did they screw up or not? Or did they just pressure you to semi-apologize?

- Media
- posted on Dec 20, 07
In the name of accuracy

can u get anything right -- the reporter's name is mark egan i think ... not marc ... i did a search and found that in a matter of a seconds. .. talk about amateur hour ... there's a reason why bloggers aren't journalists ... it's called professionalism

Article by Michael Gluckstadt

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